Have You Seen These

SMACSS Strikes Again Y’all

Dave Statter once again highlights the idiocy of a firefighter who thinks his social media posts are benign and private commentary on their lives. Gimme a break! Here is the latest victim of SMACSS (Social Media Assisted Career Suicide Syndrome), a acronym Dave coined.
Someone ought to do a study on the time of day when these epic comments are posted. Can’t help but think it is after 5 p.m. local time, if you catch my drift. In this case, it appears the comments were posted while he was on scene! Unbelievable…

Hey fire chiefs!  If your agency trains your own, make sure the curriculum includes a brief overview of maintaining professionalism and fire service integrity in cyberspace.  It will be well worth the investment.  Not sure? Just ask Houston’s fire chief.


About chiefb2

Retired fire chief ,Type 3 AHIMT IC, PIO, Fire service consultant. Social media emergency management disciple (no, I'm not a "guru"). Crisis communications consultant. Father and Grandpa with an open wallet.