Have You Seen These

Facebook Time Suck

OK, I’m ‘fessin up. I’ve neglected my blog for a couple of weeks. The weather finally turned nice up here in the Pacific Northwest after an unseasonably cold and dreary spring and early summer, and I’ve taken the opportunity to get outdoors and do stuff. This, coupled with work and other projects made posting on It’s Not My Emergency take a back seat. I just didn’t have time. Or did I?

Reflecting back, I spent significant time on the computer, surfing SM sites and engaging. For me, Facebook is my biggest “time sucker”. A recent survey notes that the average FB user spends 6 hours a day on the site! I believe it. It seems like I spend an inordinate amount of time checking my FB news feed. I’m too curious about what my friends are doing, saying and showing, and I spend most of my time “creeping” rather than engaging. I post infrequently compared to some of my other FB friends. Dana VanDen Heuvel nails my habit in a May blog post “Five things in social media that are a complete waste of time”.

On the other hand, my time spent on Twitter seems much more organized and focused. Using TweetDeck, I’m able to quickly access an incredible amount of diverse information in a short amount of time. I tend not to loiter, instead focusing on “getting in and getting out”. The ability to easily identify interesting links to news stories and blog articles makes my surfing time much more efficient, and the interface allows me to quickly weigh in and pass along info to my followers with one click of the mouse. In other words, I tend to be much more businesslike in my SM approach.

Now, with Google + thrown into the mix I clearly don’t have time to do it all. Time to get strategic in using the various platforms.

About chiefb2

Retired fire chief ,Type 3 AHIMT IC, PIO, Fire service consultant. Social media emergency management disciple (no, I'm not a "guru"). Crisis communications consultant. Father and Grandpa with an open wallet.