Have You Seen These

Never Forget

I was recently asked to participate in an upcoming rememberance ceremony for 9-11.  Thinking I was going to be asked to make a short speech, I penned the following.  The agenda changed, but my feelings didn’t, so I’m sharing my thoughts here.  Never forget…..

On this, the 10 year anniversary of the most devastating enemy attack on our home soil, we pause to reflect on what that fateful day means to us, honor those who perished, and strengthen our resolve to protect our community and nation from it ever happening again.

 In the days and weeks leading up to this day, much has been written and said about the victims, acts of heroism and aftermath.  To be sure, many things we used to take for granted were taken from us.  Our sense of security, safety, convenience and belief in mankind were severely shaken, and it was clear that some things were never going to be the same again.

 We took strength from the images of east coast citizens, firefighters, police officers and public officials performing heroic acts and leadership in the face of almost certain death.  Those of us in the fire service watched the towers fall, knowing that hundreds of firefighters were inside, doing all they could to make a difference.  Through their ultimate sacrifice, a strong commitment and humble affirmation towards our mission was uniformly shared throughout the nation’s fire service.  That commitment remains today.

 The terrorists sought to tear apart the fabric of our great nation. Instead, their evil deeds did just the opposite.  We became a nation united, committed to fighting these evil forces and reaffirmed appreciation for those who place themselves in harm’s way, both at home and abroad to secure our safety and preserve our way of life.

 Much has happened since that day.  Wars have been fought, terrorists caught, and the rebuilding at Ground Zero is well underway.  However, we must never forget the ultimate sacrifice given by the ordinary citizens, first responders and service personnel that continues today.  These patriots helped sew a new cloak of security that covers us today, and are doing everything they can to ensure no one tears this fabric apart. They deserve your unwavering support and gratitude. 

God Bless America.

About chiefb2

Retired fire chief ,Type 3 AHIMT IC, PIO, Fire service consultant. Social media emergency management disciple (no, I'm not a "guru"). Crisis communications consultant. Father and Grandpa with an open wallet.